Wednesday, October 01, 2008

H O L I D A Y !

ENGLISH SLOT FACT #71: Double D is on a 'diet'.


Hello darlings,
Been awhile since I posted anything. Pretty much because there wasn't much to be posted on. Well I'm back and this post will be a short one though.

I'm in Kedah right now, at my nan's. And seriously, I am dying of boredom up here so I decided to make use of time and post a new entry.

It's past 12AM which means that it's already Eid today. It's a celebration which everyone looks forward to (even the non-muslims) because there are loads of food and after a whole month of fasting, you are rewarded with some really yummy food. =D

So I would just like to take this chance to apologize to everyone if I ever said or did anything that might have offended you. Now if you would excuse me, I need to get ready for later on in the morning and collect my duit raya, err, I mean celebrate with my family. Let's have a meaningful Eid, shall we? (:

Happy Eid Mubarak and Happy Holidays everyone!
