English Slot Fact #61: The Earth is neither round or square. It is oval.
Hey guys!
The holidays are coming to an end and as relieved as I am (it was bloody boring), I'm not too keen on classes. But, I am looking forward to see all of you again. I miss you guys so much!
So I decided to change the layout a bit; white is too boring for my taste. I wanted to change it to a custom-made XML template originally but I changed my mind. I can't be bothered to go through HTML just to change one thing. *Rolls eyes*.
Anyway, enough of the rambling. So we all know what will happen with the coming of the new trimester; THE RESULTS FOR THE ON-AIR DJS WILL BE OUT SOON. *Dramatic music in the background* Just wanted to say that everyone gave their best effort and I am proud of all of you for giving your best shot! So give yourselves a pat on the back. ;)
If you haven't received the forwarded message from Double D on YM! He stated that we will be having our next meeting, soon! Here are the details (don't forget to jot it down!):
DATE: 13th November 2008.
DAY: Thursday.
VENUE: To be confirmed.
1) On-air schedule
2) Plans for 2nd sem
3) RMMU carnival concert performance
4) On-air show program
5) Music sharing session
6) Outing
REMINDER: Please bring along your class schedules, and as always, DON'T BE LATE. (:
That's all for the updates. I'll see you guys soon! Have a nice remaining holiday. (:
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